Frequently Asked Questions
Select your interested categories to locate your question.
What is ? was launched in 2018, is the platform for global wholesale trade.It is dedicated to serving the global trade field and providing high-quality Chinese products and suppliers information for global buyers.Providing product information of 27 categories and 3,600 sub-categories. is specializing in bridging the gap between global buyers and quality Chinese suppliers.
Does supply or sell products ? does not sell products. All products on are provided by supplier members. We have a wide range of suppliers in 27 industries. You could send inquires to suppliers, or talk with them online. We provide online and offline buyer services for all global buyers, such as qualified supplier matching, verifying suppliers, assisting in online and offline match meetings, and providing secured trading services during trading process.
In which places does the Group have offices ?
Our headquarters are located in Hangzhou, China.
Does provide shipping services ?
We do not provide delivery service temporarily. You can learn about delivery services by communicating with suppliers.
Account Management
How can I update my privacy settings?
Please update your privacy settings directly after you've logged into
How can I edit my Member Profile?
Please edit your member information directly after you've logged into
How do I change my email address?
Please sign into your manager backstage, and change your email address.
Contacting Suppliers
How can I contact suppliers?
There are two methods to contact supplierss.
1.Contacting via email.
After finding your interested products on, you can contact suppliers by clicking Contact Now.
2.Directly contacting suppliers after viewing contact details in their showrooms of
Login & Sign in
How can I register on
You can register as our buyer member by clicking Join Free.
Why does my account fail to log into
Make sure that the member id and password are correct. Please note that the password is case-sensitive. If you forget your password, click here to reset your login information.
If you don’t received an email within a few minutes, please check your spam folder. To avoid email spam, please add "*" to the whitelist of your mailbox and then click here to reset the password again. After that, if you still have not receive an email, please contact us directly.
What can I do if I forgot my registered email address?
What can I do if I forgot my password?
Please click here to request a new password.
The email may take up to a few minutes to arrive. If you don't receive an email, please check your spam folder or try again. Make sure the email address you enter is correct, and check if the "*" has been added to your contact list.
If you still could not receive the email, Please contact us and we will help you as soon as possible.
Are there any requirements for email address for registration?
Ensure your email address is composed of English letters or punctuations. Only one email address per account can be used to register on
What can I do if "This email has been used" is prompted during registration?
If the "This email has been used" message is prompted during registration, please use another email address to register.
How can I set a Company Name if I don't work for a company?
Please set the company name to Individual User (Your Name) if you are an individual user.
Can I have more than one account?
Only one user can register per member account on our website.
Is it mandatory for me to register as a member to find suppliers on
Buyer members tend to receive a more expedited response. However, it is not mandatory, you can send inquiries directly to suppliers without registration.
Searching Products Efficiency
How can I search for products on
You can use two ways to find products as follows:
1.Use keywords to search: Visit and enter a product name in the search box, and then click the Search button.
2.Use product directory. has classified products and suppliers into 27 categories.
What should I do if I can't find suitable products?
When you have difficulty in searching for products, our Request for Quotation helps you trade easier. You can post your request on
Once your sourcing request is released, suppliers who can provide items you need will reply the request and give quotations to you.
How can I post a Sourcing Request to get accurate quotes?
Please click here to post a sourcing request. We advise you to submit detailed sourcing requests.
Popular Questions From Other Buyers
Why does my account fail to log into
Make sure that the member id and password are correct. Please note that the password is case-sensitive. If you forget your password, click here to reset your login information.
If you don’t received an email within a few minutes, please check your spam folder. To avoid email spam, please add "*" to the whitelist of your mailbox and then click here to reset the password again. After that, if you still have not receive an email, please contact us directly.
How can I set a Company Name if I don't work for a company?
Please set the company name to Individual User (Your Name) if you are an individual user.
What should I do if I can't find suitable products?
When you have difficulty in searching for products, our Request for Quotation helps you trade easier. You can post your request on
Once your sourcing request is released, suppliers who can provide items you need will reply the request and give quotations to you.
Is it mandatory for me to register as a member to find suppliers on
Buyer members tend to receive a more expedited response. However, it is not mandatory, you can send inquiries directly to suppliers without registration.
How can I contact suppliers?
There are two methods to contact supplierss.
1.Contacting via email.
After finding your interested products on, you can contact suppliers by clicking Contact Now.
2.Directly contacting suppliers after viewing contact details in their showrooms of