API 5L Grade X70Q Steel Pipes

  • Description
Product Detail

API 5L Grade X70Q Steel Pipes

1. Chemical Requirments

API 5L Grade X70Q Steel Pipes.png

2. CVN Impact Test for PSL2 Pipe

If subsize test pieces are used, the required minimum average (set of three test pieces) absorbed energy values shall be the required values for full-size test pieces times the ratio of the specified width of the subsize test piece to the specified width of the full-size test piece, wit such derived values rounded to the nearest joule (foot-pound force).


Individual test values for any test piece shall be= 75% of the required minimum averge (of a set of three test pieces) absorbed energy values.


Tests conducted at temperatures lower than the specified test temperature shall be acceptable if the applicalble requirements for energy abosorption and shear fracture area are met at such lower temperatures.

3. Available Size Range

Available Size Range of API 5L Grade X70Q Steel Pipes.png

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