ASTM A501 Carbon Steel Tube

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Product Detail

ASTM A501 Carbon Steel Tube

ASTM A501 covers hot-formed welded and seamless carbon steel square, round, rectangular, or special shape structural tubing for welded, riveted, or bolted con-struction of bridges and buildings, and for general structural purposes.

Size Ranges : ½” to 24”

Schedules : 10,20, 30, 40,60, Standard (STD), Extra Heavy (XH), 80, 100, 120, 140, 160, XXH & heavier

Grades : ASTM A501 Grade A

              ASTM A501 Grade B

ASTM A501 GR.A Chemical Composition ,% (Product analysis)

Cr  max 0.30

P   max 0.045

S   max 0.045

Co  max 0.18


ASTM A501 GR.A Properties:

Tensile strength, min, psi (Mpa)  :58 000 (400)

Yield strength, min, psi (Mpa):36 000 (250)

Elongation in 2 in.min (50.8 mm) :23

LINKUN  stock ASTM A501 GR.A, A501 GR.B black and hot-dipped galvanized hot-formed square and rectangular tube for construction of bridges and building and other general structural purposes. I am pleasure to satisfy your piping projects,call for us today!

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Xi'an LinKun Import & Export Co.,Ltd

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