Photovoltaic-Thermal Solar Collector

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Product Detail

A Versatile Panel Which Generates Heat and Electricity Both

Standard PV Panels typically only convert 10-15% of solar radiation into electricity and the rest is dissipated as waste heat. Photovoltaic (PV) cells suffer from a drop in efficiency with the rise in temperature due to increased resistance. A PV-T (Photovoltaic-Thermal) collector generates both electricity and usable thermal heat at the same time from one panel. These systems combine a photovoltaic cell, which converts electromagnetic radiation (photons) into electricity, and a solar thermal collector, which captures the remaining energy and removes waste heat from the PV module, and thus improving their efficiency by lowering resistance.

Benefits for You

? Electricity and usable thermal heat at the same time from one panel.

? At least 25% extra electricity produced per year with cooled PV cells.

? Waste heat is recovered to generate hot water, solar energy is fully utilized.

? Two types of products based on different main purpose:

    Powertherm: biased towards thermal heat production.

    Powervolt: biased towards electrical generation.

? Long lifetime and high reliability. 

? Flexible and easy installation, suitable for different roofs.

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Speedy Green Energy Co.,Ltd

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