Refcomp Semi-Hermetic Compact Screw Compressor 134-S/SRC-S Series
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Introduction :
In the air conditioning field ,together with compressor reliability and availability ,attention toward other factors such as efficiency ,noiseless , compactness and thesimplicity of installation and maintenance have spread the compact screw compressor technology to all markets .
Refcomp dounle screw compressors dedicated to air conditioning are :SCR is the name of the sereies dedicated to the use of refrigerants R22 and non-chlorinated R407C,R404A,R507.The series is divided into two different product families :ultra compact serires SRC-XS with 3 models and SRC-S with 18 models .
134 is the name of the series dedicted to the use of R134a, the sereies is divided into two different product families :ultra compact series 134-XS with 3 models and 134-S with 14 models .
- Rolled Ball Set Screw 3D Model Bearing 1 Pieces / (Min. Order)
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- Slotted Flat Through Screwdriver PG001 1 Pieces / (Min. Order)
- 3/8DR Hex Bit Socket H8 Allen Screwdriver bit socket 1 Pieces / (Min. Order)
- Torque Required For Trapezoidal Acme 1 Lead Screw Rod Threads 1 Pieces / (Min. Order)
- Rolled Rm1605 Ball Screw Shaft Pitch 5mm 1 Pieces / (Min. Order)
- Exercise Bike Converter Compact Cycle Cup Holder Conversion Kit 1 Pieces / (Min. Order)
- Galvanized JIS1168 Screw Eye Bolts 1 Pieces / (Min. Order)
- Air Cooled Stationary Compact Screw Compressor 1 Pieces / (Min. Order)
- EP-UP-004 Customized Blub Shaped Soft PVC USB Pendrive 32GB 1 Pieces / (Min. Order)