YH-EW-2TDS Inorganic Gel

  • Description
Product Detail

YH-EW-2 is a modified bentonite for water-based systems


? High gelling efficiency in water-based systems.

? Excellent thixotropy property, sag resistance and viscosity control.

? Prevent hard settlement of pigment/fillers.

? Ease of incorporation and Ease of dispersion.

? Suite to wide PH range. 

2.Typical Properties:






Fineness through 200 mesh

PH value
(10%suspension )

Light White

Free Flowing Powder





3.Typical Applications:









YH-EW-2 can be added directly in powder form. No need for polar actiator or pre-gel. Recommended procedures are as follows:

A.Water (PH:6.0-12.0, but most suitable between 7.0-8.0).

B.YH-EW-2 (Dispersing at high speed shear for 15-30minutes).

C.Other additives (film-forming agent,dispersing agent,defoaming agent, etc.)

D.Pigment and filler (Mixing and dispersing).

E.Emulsion (Mixing).

F.Post correct.

5.Recommended Levels:

The amount ofYH-EW-2 rheological additive required depends upon the specific system and the degree of thickening or other properties desired. Addition levels are typically between 0.2%-1.0% based on the total formulation weight.

6. International Countertypes: Bentone®EW/LT,Laporte®WH,Attagel®-50

NOTE: The information herein is currently believed to be accurate. We do not guarantee its accuracy. Purchasers shall not rely on statements herein when purchasing any products. Purchasers should make their own investigations to determine if such products are suitable for a particular use. The products discussed are sold without warranty, express or implied, including a warranty of merchantability and fitness for use. Purchases will be subject to a separate agreement which will not incorporate this document.

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Anji Yuhong Clay Chemical Co.,Ltd

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