Boldenone powder (846-48-0)
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Boldenone 846-48-0 (lean muscle mass, strength)
1. What Is Raw Boldenone powder?
On paper, there doesn’t appear to be anything special about Boldenone. Here are some basic facts: It is a non-progestagenic, non-methylated 1-dehydro derivative of testosterone, so it lacks the liver toxic effects associated with most oral steroids. It possesses an A:A ratio of 100:50 (anabolic/androgenic), making it roughly half as androgenic as testosterone and equally anabolic when compared on a mg to mg basis. Boldenone displays a weaker binding affinity for the androgen receptor than testosterone, yet it is less prone to attach to sex hormone binding globulin, which likely helps to balance out its myotropic effects. The drug will maintain blood levels of the base compound for roughly 14-16 days post-injection, yet twice weekly injections are appropriate when attempting to maintain stable blood levels.
One interesting characteristic of Boldenone which bears mentioning is the discrepancy between its proposed rate of aromatization and its propensity to initiate estrogen side effects. Boldenone is said to aromatize at about 50% the rate of testosterone, which should make it a fairly estrogenic drug, prone to causing estrogenic side effects such as gynecomastia and water retention, especially at higher dosages. However, real-world experience has shown us that EQ is very unlikely to propagate serious estrogenic side effects, even when administered at high dosages.
For example, it is very common for a testosterone user to experience gynecomastia and water retention at a dosage of 500 mg per week, if not dealt with…and they almost always occur when venturing up to the 750-1,000 mg per week range. Many users will encounter these side effects even when using as little as 300-400 mg per week. However, when administering EQ at dosages of 600-800 mg per week, those side effects rarely manifest…and few users experience them even when using 1,000 mg per week or more! With EQ aromatizing at half the rate of testosterone, one would expect to witness estrogenic side effects in a large percentage of users, but this does not occur.
Why? One explanation is found in the drug’s metabolism. Specifically, Boldenone metabolizes to an anti-aromatase inhibitor known as 1,4 dienedone. This could certainly explain why Boldenone, despite it relatively high rate of aromatization, does not deliver anywhere near the estrogenic punch that its aromatization rate implies.
2. How Does Raw Boldenone powder Works?
As expected, Boldenone is known to provide lean, hard, water-free increases in muscle tissue. However, it is not generally recognized as a very potent muscle-builder, but has often been used as an “add-on” or secondary steroid, in order to further increase one’s results without a commensurate increase in side effects. Few expect it to provide impressive growth and it is almost never used as the base drug in one’s stack. Because of this, I began to re-evaluate the proposed optimal dosing guidelines for this drug and what I found that is that unlike most other steroids, which usually begin to reach the point of diminishing returns at between 500-1,000 mg per week, EQ tends to reach its optimal dosing range much later on…around 2 grams per week (great results will be found between 1.5-3.0 grams). Of course, all steroids will continue to activate more receptor sites (and thus provide greater muscle growth), up until about 3,500 mg per week, but with Boldenone, it seems that the gains are just starting to get good at 1 gram weekly, while most other AAS seem to be nearly tapped out by that point, quickly hitting the point of diminishing returns.
3. How to Use Raw Boldenone powder?
Boldenone Undecylenate, also called EQ, is used by bodybuilders and athletes to increase their muscle mass, increase endurance and up the red blood cell production in the body which also helps endurance because red blood cells carry oxygen and if your blood is rich with oxygen, you last longer during strenuous workouts or performance. Boldenone Undecylenate, or EQ is popular among athletes, bodybuilders and fitness enthusiasts because it provides a slow but steady gain during peak bulking cycles. These cycles are called the EQ gains. EQ can be administered in doses that range from 200mg to 600mg per week for no longer than twelve weeks.
4. Dosage of Raw Boldenone powder
Many see boldenone as a relatively weak steroid, with little use in bodybuilding. In more recent years however, it has become more popular along with other steroids such as methenolone (primobolone). Many people suggest that its sole use is in increasing appetite. Certainly this mechanism is true of use in cattle and one reason why it is extensively used in the cattle and meat production industry. Most users do report that of all AAS, boldenone is the best for increasing appetite.
However, the use of boldenone is gradually becoming more respected by many top athletes, and more than just for its appetite-enhancing properties. I suspect that in previous years bodybuilders have not found boldenone use as beneficial due to the preparations available to them. One popular brand of boldenone undecylenate is Ganabol; a vetinary preparation of boldenone has just 50mg per 1ml of oil carrier. Even a modest dose of 400mg per week would necessitate the administration of 8ml of oil which, bearing in mind the user will probably also be cycling other steroids, a real inconvenience. It is this author's view that a minimum of 600mg/week of boldenone undecylenate is needed for beneficial effects, ideally 800-1000mg/week. With preparations such as Ganabol, doses of 800-1000mg/week would require 16-20ml per week, which is not very practical.
5. Warning of Raw Boldenone powder
At higher doses of boldenone, users can expect to reap better results than previously suggested cycles of 400mg/week or lower. Boldenone itself does aromatise, however this occurs at a significantly less rate than that of testosterone. Thus users should not have to worry about the onset of gynecomastia or other estrogen-related side effects, unless using very high doses and are highly sensitive to estrogen. However for the vast majority, negative estrogenic issues will not occur. It should be noted that there are benefits to estrogen presence (up regulation of androgen receptors for example), thus the small amount of aromatisation is of actual benefit, largely speaking. Boldenone possesses decent anabolic properties, however is a very mild androgen, thus those users who suffer bad side-effects of strong androgens (such as trenbolone for example) should not see such side effects with boldenone use (unless very high doses are used).
As already mentioned, one of the most appealing positive effects of boldenone use is the dramatic increase in appetite. This makes boldenone a useful addition in my opinion, to people who struggle to consume large amounts of calories (which are needed for muscle growth), and moreover it may be useful for combining with heavy cycles, where higher doses of other AS tend to suppress the user's appetite. There is obviously little point in running heavy cycles if they are going to significantly inhibit your gains by suppression of your appetite whilst on a cycle, thus boldenone may offer an advantage in this sense to the advanced bodybuilder who uses heavier cycles.
One further property of boldenone that is most advantageous to athletes who partake in cardiovascular exercises is that boldenone directly stimulates the kidneys to produce erythropoeitin (EPO). EPO is a hormone that increases the number of red blood cells in your blood, thus increasing blood viscosity but more importantly allowing more oxygen to be carried to the cells in your body, improving performance of aerobic exercises. This may also help increase vascularity in users as well. Overall however, as boldenone is a mild AS, the negative side effects will be at a minimum, although some androgenic effects such as acne and increased body hair may start to occur at high doses.
6. What Are the Possible Side Effects of Raw Boldenone powder?
Side effects specific to men can include testicular atrophy or the shrinking of the testicles, reduced sperm count, infertility, baldness, and the development of breasts. For women, side effects can include enlargement of the clitoris, changes in the body contour growth of facial hair, disruption of the menstrual cycle, deepened voice and infertility.
An increase in androgenic (male) hormones from steroid use may also lead to aggressive behavior. Research also indicates that steroid users often suffer from paranoid jealousy, extreme irritability, delusions, and impaired judgment stemming from feelings of invincibility.
Adolescents who abuse steroids like Boldenone are at a significant risk of suffering irreversible side effects, including stunted growth, accelerated puberty changes and abnormal sexual development. Adolescent girls in particular may suffer from severe acne, excessive body and facial hair, deepened voice, permanent enlargement of the clitoris, disruption of the menstrual cycle, and permanent infertility.
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