S4 (Andarine) powder
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1. What Is Raw S4(Andarine) powder?
Andarine, commonly known as S4, is a Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator (SARM) developed by GTx. Like all SARM’s S4 was developed in the treatment of muscle wasting diseases with benign prostatic hypertrophy treatment also being high on the list of possible treatment benefits. Andarine is not as strong as some of the other SARM’s in terms of an anabolic effect that leads to the promotion of lean muscle tissue increases, but it does appear to have other benefits that can prove to be highly valuable. Being an effective SARM, like most SARM’s it is relatively side effect friendly with most users making it an increasingly common option for performance enhancing athletes.
2. How Does Raw S4(Andarine) powder Works?
Anadarine (S4) is a SARM, specifically a medication that binds firmly to the androgen receptors. Unlike an anabolic androgenic steroid, S4 focuses only on the bone and muscle sites unlike other androgenic compounds that may affect secondary sex organs. By binding to the androgen receptors, S4 alters the gene expression, thereby increasing anabolism via increases in protein synthesis. Although a highly effective compound, in comparison to its binding affinity it is approximately one third that of testosterone.
Andarine (S4), unlike many androgens, does not convert to dihydrotestosterone (DHT) and it does not aromatize. Aromatization refers to the conversion of testosterone to estrogen. This makes S4 a bit more appealing on a functional basis compared to other androgenic compounds as negative DHT and Estradiol effects cannot occur with this compound. In fact, S4 has been shown to block DHT from binding to the prostate receptor sites.
S4 is based off of the same template molecularly as the drug Bicalutamide, an anti-androgen. However, unlike Bicalutamide, the severe negative effects of that drug are not present with Andarine – while a similar template it is not the same drug.
3. How to Use Raw S4(Andarine) powder?
For Cutting (best use of S4)
Andarine’s properties are very alike with steroids Anavar and Winstrol, the only difference is that S4 can better provide lean muscle gains. In fact, there have been many cases of bodybuilders gaining up to 3 pounds of lean muscle while on a caloric deficit! S4 displays the same binding resemblance to AR, hence presenting similar fat burning effects. S4 can also minimize LPL (lipoprotein lipase) – an enzyme that causes lipid accumulation and plays a role in storing adipose tissue (excess body fat). The AR oxidizes this adipose tissue and uses it as its preferred energy source, allowing the body to decrease excess fat at an amazing rate.
It also improves vascularity for that “aesthetic” chiseled look with minimal to no water retention. Unlike steroids, it won’t affect your joints but reinforce muscle mass and power instead. You can also say goodbye to painful pumps.
Recommended Dosage: 50 mg for 6-8 weeks.
*Take 2 days off when taking S4 (repeat the cycle after the 2 day break) to avoid vision side effects.
For Recomping
Use S4 with a more anabolic SARM such as Ostarine for better recomp results as you’re aiming to gain muscle while losing fat. Recommended intake is 50-75 mg for 4 to 8 weeks.
For Bulking
S-4 isn’t the sarm that comes to mind when we think “BULKING”, but it’s properties in muscle gain shouldn’t be overlooked. During the holiday season, many people take advantage of the excess food and snacks available and jump on some well known bulking SARMs such as LGD 4033 or RAD 140. While there isn’t an enormous 15 lb leap in muscle like these “bulk specific” products, S-4 can provide relatively large muscle gains and utilize these excess calories to provide an extra 8-10 lbs in muscle while also keeping the body relatively lean. This steady increase in muscle mass can limit the amount of work one needs to do for a leaner summer body.
4. Dosage of Raw S4(Andarine) powder
Andarine (S4) is taken orally, normally in liquid form although capsules are also available. The common dosing range of S4 is 50-75mg per day taken evenly throughout the day. S4 carries a half-life of approximately four hours. Results may be seen in as little as four weeks, but most will find six weeks to be the minimum time frame for decent results to be seen with 8-10 weeks being fairly common. Andarine can be stacked with other SARM’s, with anabolic steroids, peptides or nearly any performance based medication. Some will choose to take it in between steroid cycles as they are attempting to let testosterone levels recover; however, note they will not recover when this SARM is in play.
5. Raw S4(Andarine) powder Positive effects
The effects of Andarine (S4) can range from bulking to cutting and total body transformation; however, bulking (muscle/mass gains) will be the weakest of the three areas. S4 is not known for packing on a lot of lean muscle tissue, but lean gains can and should be made providing enough calories are present along with muscular stimulation (exercise). For the off-season athlete looking to really pack on size, this is not a product they’ll want to base their plan around although it could be a solid addition to a plan, simply not a standalone item. Andarine is well known for aiding in strength increases. Increasing strength can be a benefit when trying to grow as it allows the individual to lift heavier weights. However, strength and size do not always go hand-in-hand and cannot be used as a gauge when trying to grow. It is very possible to gain little to no weight and still increase strength despite no increases in size.
Cutting will be where Andarine (S4) really stands out and for several reasons. The primary objective of any cutting plan is to lose body fat. In order to lose body fat one must burn more calories than he consumes, which will put lean muscle tissue at risk. S4 supplementation can provide the means to protect muscle tissue during a calorie deficit. The more tissue that’s preserved, the stronger the metabolism will continue to burn. If tissue is lost, the metabolism can slow making fat loss more difficult. Some data has also shown S4 to directly increase lipolysis (fat loss) although it is unclear how significant this affect is. Equally beneficial to the cutting plan, Andarine has been shown to increase hardness and definition significantly in a lean physique. Hardening and strength effects of this SARM have often been compared to the anabolic steroid Winstrol (Stanozolol). As an added bonus, with the strength increasing traits of S4, while strength may not increase when cutting, if using this SARM you may very well find you maintain a lot more of your strength that would have otherwise diminished.
For the every day fitness enthusiast, this may be one of the best SARM’s on the market. It’s not possible to gain a massive amount of muscle and shred up with any product. If you want to go to the extreme in either direction, you have to pick one direction at a time. But if you’re looking for more of a transformation, not necessarily large increases in size or ripped to the bone but more of a beach body look with increases in athletic performance, this is one of the better SARM’s available. Due to the side effect friendly nature, it’s also one of the more appealing.
1.Very minimal growth on secondary sexual organs such as the prostate.
2.The LDL/ HDL ratio is not affected which makes it a low cardiovascular risk.
3.0% chance of aromatization, male breast lactation, or rise in any other female characteristic during the post cycle recovery.
4.Testosterone is not diminished in any capacity during the post cycle recovery.
5.Very exclusive in tissue selection and growth which means it will not cause heart enlargement or damage to neighboring organs.
6.SARMs do NOT require the utilization or devouring of liver enzymes to activate their anabolic effects. This eliminates any risk of hepatotoxicity or hepatitis.
7.Although SARMs such as S-4 are not as powerful as comparable steroids such as Winstrol, they do not require the extensive post cycle therapy and can be cycled back to back throughout the year. Over the course of a year, obtaining the same results is very possible.
8.SARMs is very female friendly and does not cause excessive masculine features such enlarged sexual characteristics.
9.S-4 has overall presented larger increases in muscle mass than DHT.
6. What Are the Possible Side Effects of Raw S4(Andarine) powder?
The side effects of Andarine (S4) are not extensive but some negative effects are possible. The most bothersome side effect of S4 is that of vision disturbances. This is not something that will occur with all users, but of all the side effects of Andarine it is one of the more common. Blurred vision, especially at night and a yellow tinting of the eyes are all possible with this SARM. However, such effects should clear away almost immediately (a few days) after use is discontinued.
[1] Estrogenic:
estrogenic side effects of Andarine (S4) should not occur as the SARM does not aromatize (conversion of testosterone to estrogen). Gynecomastia (male breast enlargement), water retention or high blood pressure due to severe water retention should not occur with this SARM. However, some data has shown the SARM to promote slight increases in serum estradiol levels, although not significant enough to create estrogenic side effects associated with some anabolic steroids.
[2] Androgenic:
There should be no androgenic side effects of Andarine (S4). Hair loss, acne and virilization symptoms in women (masculine trait promotion) are impossible with this medication. Although S4 does bind to the androgen receptor, it only activates in the bone and muscle target areas and not others associated with androgenic issues.
[3] Cardiovascular:
No cardiovascular side effects of consequence have been noted due to the use of S4.
[4] Testosterone Suppression:
The side effects of Andarine (S4) will include the suppression of natural testosterone production. The rate of suppression will not be as significant as with an anabolic steroid, but may be more significant than with other SARM’s. How much suppression exists will be dependent on dose and genetic factors. Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) may or may not be needed. If used with an anabolic steroid it will certainly be needed.
[5] Hepatotoxicity:
The side effects of Andarine (S4) do not include any of a liver toxic nature. S4 is not a member of the C17-alpha alkylated (C17-aa) class of drugs. Liver strain or stress is not possible.
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