GW 501516(Cardarine) powder (317318-70-00)
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1. What Is Raw GW 501516(Cardarine) powder?
GW-501516, better known as Cardarine, is a unique medication officially classified as a PPAR receptor agonist (PPAR-RA). Research for this medication began in 1992 in a conjoined effort between GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) and Ligand Pharmaceuticals. Research into this product was set forth in an effort to provide treatment for various cardiovascular diseases, as well as diabetes, obesity and other conditions.
It was soon discovered that the PPAR-RA was highly effective at enhancing endurance, but it was also shown to carry a high potential cost. It was discovered that Cardarine increased the chances of cancer significantly, and as a result, GSK dropped all further research. However, the studies that produced cancerous results used doses of Cardarine that were 500 to even 1000 times the amount that a human being would take. If cancer is a risk with standard dosing is unknown.
Cardarine (GW-501516) is drug that binds to the PPAR receptor. It was first created by Glaxo Smith Kline and Ligand Pharmaceuticals in 1992. It was discovered that Cardarine, when binding to the PPAR receptor, recruits what is called the coactivator PGC-1a enzyme, which then increases the expression of genes involved in the expenditure of energy. Rats treated with Cardarine were shown to have increased fatty acid metabolism and increased protection against obesity from eating a bad diet, as well as an increased protection from type-2 diabetes. In another study on Rhesus monkeys, cardarine was shown to increase HDL (good cholesterol) and decrease LDL (bad cholesterol).
Reasons for this effect appeared to be caused by an increased expression of the cholesterol transporter ABCA1. In other words, cardarine activates the same genetic pathways that are involved in exercise. In addition, cardarine was studied for use in treating cardio disease before its development was halted in 2007.
2. How Does Raw GW 501516(Cardarine) powder Works?
Cardarine (GW-501516) binds to the PPAR receptor, specifically a group of nuclear receptors (sensors that detect thyroid and steroidal hormones in the body) that initiates the PGC-1a enzyme. This action leads to gene expression, specifically genes that revolve around energy expenditure.
Studies involving GW-501516 have shown to increase the metabolism of fatty acids in rats. It was also shown in the same studies to reduce the odds of obesity despite poor eating habits as well as prevent Type-2 diabetes. Cardarine was also shown to increase HDL (good cholesterol) and decrease LDL (bad cholesterol) in a study using monkeys. The effects seemed to hold true with or without exercise.
GW stimulates glucose uptake and skeletal muscle tissue. It burns fat by stimulating fatty acid oxidation. It’s suggested as a potential treatment for obesity because of it’s ability to rapidly melt fat. Also, Cardarine is said to increase HDL by an average of 79% (good cholesterol) and decrease LDL (bad cholesterol) in current Phase II trials. GW 501516 is a PPARd agonist. These help increase your HDL levels from an enhanced expression of the cholesterol transporter ABCA1.
3. How to Use Raw GW 501516(Cardarine) powder?
Stacking Cardarine means running it in combination with other compounds. What makes Cardarine stand out is it can be used with almost anything (cutting, bulking or recomping).
Bulking–Clean Up Your Gains And Make That Bulk Cleaner While Maintaining Size.
Cutting–Totally Optimal When It Comes To Weight Loss While Holding On To Muscle Mass.
Recomping–Perfect For Building Lean Muscle And Losing Fat
The most common way to use Cardarine is in a triple stack involving LGD 4033 and MK 2866. You’ll have all the gains, endurance, fat loss and size gains by taking all three.
4. Dosage of Raw GW 501516(Cardarine) powder
GW-501516 is taken orally. The most common dosing range for this PPAR-RA is 10-15mg per day for 8 weeks. However, some reports state the medication needs to be used for 12 weeks for optimal results, with 20mg per day being well tolerated by most individuals.
Cardarine will give benefits in both endurance and fat oxidation at 10-15mgs per day for an ideal 8 week cycle; however, 20mg per day for 8-12 weeks is the recommended dose to get you the absolute optimum results in and out of the gym. Cardarine is a banned substance in certain sports, so it's recommended you are careful with its use if you're a tested athlete.
5. Raw GW 501516(Cardarine) powder Positive effects
The effects of Cardarine are fairly significant and may be a welcomed addition to the stack for a performance athlete. Increased endurance may be the PPAR-RA’s most incredible attribute. Those who use the medication will find they do not tire out as easily and can train harder and longer. The cardiovascular endurance that comes with Cardarine is so strong it has been shown to do away with the cardio issues that surround the popular anabolic steroid Trenbolone. Many who use Trenbolone report breathing becomes a bit more difficult and that cardio becomes a more arduous task. Cardarine seems to negate this negative effect when using Tren.
The effects of Cardarine also help tremendously with fat loss. If nothing else, you’re able to perform your cardio more intensely and longer. Further, it doesn’t carry any catabolic effect that is associated with many thermogenics or fat burners, meaning muscle loss due to use is of no concern. More importantly, GW-501516 has been shown to increase nutrient efficiency. Simply put, you make better use of the nutrients you’re consuming. Those who use the compound will find increased levels of glucose uptake and fat stores reduced.
1.GW 501516 Is The “Ultimate Endurance Enhancer” – It’s Used By Elite Athletes And Competitors For A Reason.
2.Gives You Insane Energy Levels – So You Can Push Harder In The Gym, Increase Your Intensity, And Bust Through Plateaus Like Never Before.
3.Decreases Recovery Time – Meaning You Can Lift Almost Every Day While Taking GW.
4.Will Rapidly Melt Fat, But Is NON CATABOLIC. That Means You’ll Keep All Your Gains While Getting Leaner.
5.Will Get You Immediate, Noticeable Results: Literally On The First Dose.
6.Provides One Of The Cleanest Energies. It’s Not A Stimulant, So You Won’t Crash Or Feel Anxious At All.
7.The Ability To Run For As Long As 12 Weeks. You’ll Get Better And Better Results The Longer You Take It.
8.Is Versatile–Can Be Stacked With Virtually Anything.
9.Can Be Used While Cutting Or Bulking. Cardarine Will Accelerate Your Results No Matter What You Do.
10.Gives You An Overall Sense Of Health And Well Being. You’ll Feel Amazing While You’re On It.
11.No Side Effects, Liver Toxicity, Or Suppression Have Been Reported. There’s No Need For PCT Either.
12.Called The Possible Cure For Obesity, Cardarine Allows You To Lose Weight By Using Fat Stores For Energy Rather Than Carbohydrates.
Cardarine is great for pretty much everything! Incredible endurance benefits from it are probably the most prominent reason to use this product. Not only has it proven to increase endurance in scientific studies, but when you use it for yourself you'd see that the results are nothing short of amazing! If you're a cardio junkie or just like getting lean, it increase your run times. Your weight lifting sessions will be extended further, you'll feel energized longer and ultimately get a lot more work done before you walk out of the gym every day.
Of course, fat loss is at the top of the list of reasons why many people love Cardarine so much. Striations and veins get more noticeable and your journey to fat loss becomes a lot easier, without the catabolic effects that most fat burners and drugs can have while trimming down.
Fat loss from cardarine is a result of increased glucose uptake in skeletal muscle. Essentially, you're making better use of the nutrients you consume every day and decreasing the amount of carbohydrates or fat stored as adipose tissue. As a result, cardarine is not only fat burning and anti-catabolic, but it's also a little bit anabolic as well.
Cardarine can be stacked with pretty much anything, and it will enhance the results of the cycle. For anabolic-androgenic steroid users who like the drug trenbolone, cardarine is fantastic at combating the negative side effects of “tren” and even enhancing the positive effects.
6. What Are the Possible Side Effects of Raw GW 501516(Cardarine) powder?
The known side effects of Cardarine primarily surround increasing the chances of cancer; however, it’s not quite that cut and dry. Studies that showed increased cancer rates in rats used doses of the PPAR-RA far above and beyond what any human would take. Further, additional studies have shown GW-501516 decreased existing cancerous tumors and in effect cured the existing cancer. The truth behind the relationship with this drug and cancer is unknown at this time. Because there is a potential relationship between the medication and cancer, we may never know the truth as it’s unlikely any major pharmacy group will undertake any additional study.
Estrogenic: There are no estrogenic side effects associated with GW-501516. Water retention, bloating, gynecomastia and high blood pressure associated with water retention is not possible as there is no conversion of testosterone to estrogen.
Androgenic: The side effects of Cardarine do not include any of an androgenic nature. Hair loss, acne and virilization symptoms in women are not possible with this medication.
Cardiovascular: There are no negative side effects of Cardarine associated with cardiovascular health; in fact, lipids may improve. In a study done by the Journal of Cardiology, GW-501516 was stated to possibly reduce the risk of heart attack.
Testosterone Suppression: GW-501516 will not suppress natural testosterone production. Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) is not needed when using this PPAR-RA.
Hepatotoxicity: Cardarine is not toxic to the liver.
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