SR9009 powder (1379686-30-2)
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1.What Is Raw SR9009 powder?
A new drug known as SR9009, which is presently under development at TSRI (The Scripps Research Institute) has been shown to considerably boost exercise endurance in animal models. Scientists think these discoveries may lead to improved cures for individuals suffering from illnesses that severely limit exercise endurance such as obesity, COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease), congestive heart failure and also in the deterioration of muscle capacity linked with aging.
Stenabolic (SR9009) is a brand new chemical that has proven in animal studies to boost exercise endurance as well as treat metabolic syndrome. SR-9009 is often referred to as “exercise in a bottle” due to the rapid increase in metabolism that occurs with use. Scientists believe that SR9009 will be used in the future as a cure for illnesses that severely limit exercise endurance. These instances would include: obesity, congestive heart failure, COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) as well as the deterioration of muscle capacity that is commonly linked with the again process.
As mentioned beforehand, SR9009 is a synthetic Rev-Erb ligand, which is taken orally. This is a very unique compound. By stimulating the Rev-Erb protein, SR9009 has the ability to greatly influence a lot of regulatory mechanisms in the human body. For instance, it can affect the circadian rhythms, lipid and glucose metabolism, fat-storing cells, as well as macrophages. Hence, Stenabolic will allow the user to lose fat and drastically increase endurance, both of which are very desirable effects for an athlete.
2. How Does Raw SR9009 powder Works?
Stenabolic (SR9009) possesses the capabilities of reducing obesity as well as reversing metabolic syndrome. In animal studies, it has shown to increase the metabolic activity of skeletal muscle in mice. Treated mice became lean while developing larger muscles. They also had a 50% increase in running ability, imitating the effect of aerobic exercise. Stenabolic alters the metabolic profile of skeletal muscle in a manner similar to the changes observed in animals that are endurance trained. In simple terms, SR9009 sends a signal to the muscle to tell it to modify it's current metabolism.
During the day, metabolism naturally speeds up and slows down. This means that at times, food is used for energy and at other times, it gets stored as fat. SR9009 re-sync's a dysfunctional metabolic clock ensuring that food and excess fat are used as energy. It binds to Rev-erba, which is a natural protein in the body that influences lipid and glucose metabolism in the liver, inflammatory responses and fat-storing cells. This process allows SR9009 to kick start metabolism, along with increasing muscle strength.
By binding and activating the Rev-Erb protein, Stenabolic triggers a very wide range of processes in the body. The most prominent being the increase of mitochondria count in the muscles and an enhanced metabolism.
As a consequence of the increased number of mitochondria in the muscles, the user will notice a drastic improvement in endurance and muscle strength. In fact, the mice used in studies could run 50% more when they were administered with SR9009, both in terms of distance and time. This is possible due to the fact that these mitochondria are precisely the ones generating energy in the body. Besides, thanks to the increase in number of macrophages, defective mitochondria are removed from the muscles and replaced with new ones.
Furthermore, the change in metabolic rates increases energy expenditure by 5% even when the user is resting; hence, SR burns excess calories and doesn't allow them to convert into fat. This, coupled with enhanced metabolism of glucose, helps effectively burn fat, which makes the body act is if it were in a constant state of exercise.
This means that less fat is stored, less cholesterol is developed by the liver, and more fat and glucose is burned in the muscles.
However, these are not the only positive health effects seen with stenabolic. In fact, in the studies carried out with this compound it was found that it will decrease:
Plasma triglycerides by 12%
Total cholesterol by 47%
Plasma non-esterified fatty acids by 23%
Plasma glucose by 19%
Plasma insulin level by 35%
If that wasn't enough, we need to mention that SR9009 will also decrease proinflammatory cytokine IL-6 by a whopping 72%, which will obviously be very beneficial for the reduction of inflammations.
3. How to Use Raw SR9009 powder?
Medical uses
Logically, with so many positive effects, SR9009 will have an extremely varied use in medicine. For instance, the drastic decrease in triglycerides and plasma glucose will be a huge help in the treatment of type 2 diabetes. What's more, Stenabolic will be a crucial element in the treatment of sarcopenia - muscle and strength loss caused by aging.
Additionally, SR9009 will allow doctors to treat obesity in those who for medical reasons cannot train or carry out any exercises, as it can replace exercise. Finally, it is very hard to overestimate its effectiveness in the treatment of cholesterol related conditions or metabolic syndromes.
Uses in bodybuilding
There is no need to be a genius to realize all the possibilities SR9009 opens to an athlete – amazing endurance and strength, fat loss, muscle hypertrophy (growth), improved cholesterol and blood sugar levels, and an increased metabolism. Hence, one can expect results similar to those seen with Cardarine (GW-501516), but with considerably more extra benefits. Besides, since stenabolic works great both solo or stacked, it will be a very good addition to any steroid or SARMS cycle, and it will give especially impressive results when used together with Cardarine.
All in all, Stenabolic will allow you to do more cardio training, lift more, lose fat, gain lean muscle mass, and improve cholesterol levels. Cholesterol and cardio management is very important when using SR in combination with such steroids as Anavar or Trenbolone.
4. Dosage of Raw SR9009 powder
The optimal dosages range from 20 to 30 milligrams (mgs) per day. However, there is one drawback - due to a very short half life, you will need to space it out throughout the day for the best balance of the active substance in the body. Thus, it is best to use stenabolic every 2-4 hours, depending on the exact dosage used. For example, when the daily dosage is 30 mgs, you can take 10 mgs every 4 hours.
5. Raw SR9009 powder Positive effects
SR9009 can help you to become leaner and it can also help you to go longer when you are doing your cardio workout. You won’t end up getting winded as fast and you will also find that it can increase your VO2 max as well. This will give you the chance to increase your overall endurance and you would also be surprised at how easy it is for you to not only get the results you need but to also help you to lose weight as well.
SR9009 can be used if you are overweight and would like to shed some pounds and it can also be used if you are an athlete and you want to get in the best shape of your life. You can also use SR9009 if you want to increase your metabolic syndrome or if you have type 2 diabetes and you would like to help this condition in general.
You don’t have to realise the potential that SR9009 has to offer you and if you want to become an athlete all you have to do is take a look at the incredible endurance, strength and fat loss that it has to offer. You will also find that you can benefit from hypertrophy and you can also have an improved level of cholesterol as well. On top of this, you can benefit in terms of your blood sugar levels and you can also have an increased level of metabolism as well.
For this reason you know that you can have results similar to GW. Of course, this could come with some additional benefits and you may even find that it works well when it is stacked or even when it is on its own as well. If you are struggling to get the results you need then you can easily take this and see the results first-hand.
Of course, if you add this onto your other SARM cycles then you would have no problems and you can even get impressive results when you take it with Cardarine or SR9009. When you take SR9009, you can do more training, lift more, lose fat and gain muscle. Cholesterol levels are very important when you are using SR and this is especially the case if you are already taking products such as Anavar and even Trenbolone.
6. What Are the Possible Side Effects of Raw SR9009 powder?
Up to now, no side effects have been observed with SR9009, so it may be seen as an extremely safe compound. Since Stenabolic is not a hormonal drug, it does not aromatize into estrogen and there is no suppression of natural testosterone production. Moreover, just like in the case of other SARMS, SR9009 is not liver toxic, but there is a need for liver supporting supplements when using it. N2Guard at 3-5 capsules per day will be sufficient liver and kidney support.
SR9009 do not act as a fat burner at all, and it does not act like a thyroid accelerator or even an appetite suppressant. When you take a look at T3 or when you take a look at other stimulants you will find that you experience a crash, you feel tired and in some instances you may even find that you feel like you are not hungry at all on these products.
This can be dangerous if you are working out to a very high level every single day and it can also cause you real problems when it comes to your day to day workouts as well. Of course, SR9009 is relatively new at the minute so there is no real information about the side effects that it can give you but at the end of the day,
the side effects will be no worse than that of other steroids that are out there and you would be surprised at how easy it is for you to not only get the results you need but to also make sure that you get the various benefits that SR9009 has to offer you. Over the next year or two,
you will be seeing more trials and logs about this so make sure that you keep that in mind when you do get started for yourself with this new product. If you want to find out more information about this then all you have to do is get in touch with your local provider today to see if they can help you as well as making sure that you are always happy with the product that you have purchased.
7. Buy SR9009 Powder from SZOB
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